Friday,  April 5th,  11:00 am in the Library Join us for a special presentation from Fire Inspector Thomas Inouye. Bring your questions and learn about what’s happening in YOUR community and how to prepare yourself in the event of a fire emergency.

Learn About:

  • Fire Safety Prevention In Your Home
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Q & A with Local Fire Officials

Bring a Friend to this FREE Event

For more information, please call (808) 732-5233


Friday,  April 5th,  11:00 am in the Library Join us for a special presentation from Fire Inspector Thomas Inouye. Bring your questions and learn about what’s happening in YOUR community and how to prepare yourself in the event of a fire emergency.

Learn About:

  • Fire Safety Prevention In Your Home
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Q & A with Local Fire Officials

Bring a Friend to this FREE Event

For more information, please call (808) 732-5233

March 2024 Air-conditioning Equipment Maintenance

Air Conditioning Maintenance will start March 1st 2024 and continue through the 13th. To find out when your apartment will be checked please view the schedule by clicking the link below:
March 2024 Air Conditioning Maintenance Schedule
or copy this URL into your browser:

If you have any questions, please call the office at 808-732-5233.


November 2023 Air-conditioning Equipment Maintenance

Air Conditioning Maintenance will start November 1st 2023 and continue through the 17th. To find out when your apartment will be checked please view the schedule by clicking the link below:
November 2023 Air Conditioning Maintenance Schedule
or copy this URL into your browser:

If you have any questions, please call the office at 808-732-5233.


Attention Owner’s Re: Annual Meeting Proxy

Annual Meeting – Wednesday, Nov. 16 in the library – proxy registration starts at 4:30 p.m.

Where possible, the AOAO recommends that you attend the Annual Meeting yourself, so you can hear and participate in the discussions that will take place.

These discussions often help the owners to understand the issue and the different perspectives in our condominium community and may change how you want to vote about a specific candidate or item. However, whether or not you currently plan to attend the meeting, we need your proxy in advance to establish a quorum and avoid additional expenses for a SECOND mailing.

Why would I appoint a proxy?
There are two main reasons why you (as an owner or mortgagee) might want to appoint a proxy. For example:

  • If you would like to vote but cannot attend the meeting yourself, your proxy can attend the meeting and vote on your behalf.
  • If you would like to count towards quorum for the meeting, but don’t want to vote, you can have a proxy attend the meeting. That proxy will be counted towards quorum for the meeting as if you were present yourself.
  • To establish a quorum and avoid additional expenses for a SECOND mailing.

How do I / we appoint a proxy?
To appoint a proxy, you must use the proxy form from your annual meeting packet. Blank forms are also available in the mailbox areas, by email, or by calling the management office as well as “The Kahala Beach” website:

Proxies are due NO LATER THAN 4:30 PM NOV. 14th.

Kahala Beach Resident Directory Updated

Dear Kahala Beach Neighbor,

Our Kahala Beach Resident Directory will be updated in the coming weeks. The Directory is to be used among neighbors, and is NOT to be used for solicitation of any kind.

IF all contact information in 2019 Directory is correct, and you care to be included again, no action is necessary on your part. IF you care to be excluded, please advise.

IF you will be in residence for at least one year, and would care to be listed, instructions will follow.

IF you are included in the 2019 Directory BUT some information has changed, instructions will follow.

INSTRUCTIONS: Send contact information, by email, received BY APRIL 15, to

Name(s) First and Last
Apartment Number
EMail Address(es)
Cell Phone(s) and Landline Phone

Mahalo nui loa,

Gail Loden

Main Air-conditioning Equipment

Attention: Residents

The main chiller is down consequently, we are running on the back-up chiller. Heide & Cook is trying to source out a replacement part.

In the meantime, all of you who are cooling your lanais need to close your inner lanai glass doors and any jalousie windows that may be open. This will decrease the load on the one functioning chiller until the repair is completed.

If you need any assistance in adjusting your controls, please contact the office at 732-5233 and we will provide you with assistance.



There is a growing problem when residents dispose of large cardboard boxes in the trash chutes. Large boxes, even when broken down and flattened, can block the chutes creating a cardboard log jam. The resulting trash blockage then becomes a serious employee safety hazard. Trash bags and other waste builds up behind the stuck boxes until someone you know – Eric or Indian or Elena – climbs into the trash bin, reaches up into the chute, and manually releases the trash. Our employees can unblock the jammed trash chutes only by standing in the awful, smelly trash bins below the chutes and manipulating the trash column blockage. Many times the bins have broken glass which causes a greater safety hazard to our employees.

The safety hazard is compounded when untied trash bags and heavy objects are placed in the chute behind the stuck cardboard, only to shower the employees below with nasty trash and broken bottles when they release the blocked trash column.

Cardboard boxes, especially those which have not been broken down, take up available trash space much too fast. Our trash chutes are never going to get any wider, and they cannot deliver cardboard to the bins below without some cardboard snagging on the chutes’ sides before reaching the bin.

SOLUTION:   Please, please…

  • Tie your trash bags before throwing them down the chute.
  • Bring heavy objects to one of the garage bins located at both ends of each garage.
  • Break down and flatten your cardboard shipping container boxes before disposal.
  • Carry the flattened cardboard directly to one of the garage bins.
  • Avoid placing cardboard boxes, whether flattened or not, in the trash chutes.

Staff and Board Members have been seeking better solutions to the problem for some time. Potential fixes considered to date include constructing special bins located at ground level for flattened cardboard or hiring additional staff to collect cardboard from each floor. However, finding suitable storage spaces without creating unwanted eyesores is problematic. Further, hiring extra staff to handle cardboard would be costly and possibly result in a monthly assessment increase. Ever hopeful, we’ve even considered incentivizing responsible cardboard disposal with prizes! So far, we are stymied, and we welcome suggestions of best practices for cardboard box disposal you may know about from other apartment communities.

Until we find a workable solution, we are appealing to everyone to pitch in, do your part, and help control cardboard waste.

Board and Management

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